Hibben Expendables Bowie

Hibben Expendables Bowie
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Deatil Hibben Expendables Bowie

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Obj. kód : 82038

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The only thing they know in life is the struggle. They themselves are the only people they trust. They are the Expendables: leader and strategist Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), the former SAS knife expert Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), the melee specialist Yin Yang (Jet Li), Hale Caesar (Terry Crews), Specialist for firearms, explosives expert Toll Road (Randy Couture) and sniper Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren).

The expendables are instructed to inject themselves in a South American country and to topple its ruthless dictator. During the mission the men realize that the customer plays a double game with them. A game the Expendables should fall victim to. But the six men are persistent and more resilient than expected...

Master knife maker Gil Hibben designed this Bowie for 2010 Expendables movie. This cutlery masterpiece offers a laminated hardwood handle accented by the gold-plated blade catcher and guard which are reminiscent of the styling of original bowies.

Expendables artwork is featured on the handle and the gold-plated guard offers cast star designs on both ends. The classic approx. 35.5 cm blade is constructed from polished stainless steel. Included is a custom leather sheath with Hibben Knives logo.


Blade Length: approx. 35.5 cm
Blade Material: Stainless steel
Handle Material: Synthetic Ivory

Obj. kód : 82038

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