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Training Folder Kershaw Emerson E-Train

Training Folder Kershaw Emerson E-Train
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Deatil Training Folder Kershaw Emerson E-Train

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : KW-6034TRAINER

Na této stránce najdete :

Folding Knife Kershaw Emerson E-Train
Unsharpened trainer model

The patented Emerson wave shaped opening feature is a fast, effective and impressive way to open your knife. It is a small wave-shaped tab on the top of the blade that's built to catch on your pocket seam, opening the knife as you withdraw it from your pocket. This instant-open feature is a favorite among military, rescue, and law enforcement knife users.

But it does take a little practice.

Enter the Kershaw-Emerson E-Train, Kershaw's Emerson trainer knife. The blade is unsharpened so you can safely practice using the wave shaped opening feature without endangering either your pocket or your fingers.

The E-Train's G-10 front scale is in safe-training blue for easy identification. There's a left/right reversible pocket clip so you can easily carry it with you to train whenever you have a spare moment.

- Blade material: 3Cr13 stainless steel with stonewashed finish
- Handle material: G10 front, steel back
- Overall length: approx. 19.6 cm
- Blade length: approx. 8.1 cm (unsharpened)
- Closed length: approx. 11.4 cm
- Weight: approx. 146 g
- Designed by Emerson, built by Kershaw
- Manual opening
- Thumb disk, wave shaped opening feature
- Frame lock
- Reversible pocket clip (left/right)
- Manufacturer's product no.: 6034TRAINER

Obj. kód : KW-6034TRAINER

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