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The Hobbit - Illuminated Staff of the Wizard Gandalf

The Hobbit - Illuminated Staff of the Wizard Gandalf
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Deatil The Hobbit - Illuminated Staff of the Wizard Gandalf

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : UC3107

Na této stránce najdete :

The Hobbit - Illuminated Staff of the Wizard Gandalf
Officially licensed movie replica from The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug, United Cutlery.

A special edition of the staff of the wizard Gandalf with an illuminated crown that glows just like the one seen in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

The staff features a translucent lattice within the crown that holds a high intensity white LED (100 lumens, 50,000 hour lifespan). The light is activated by a hidden button in the side of the staff and runs on two replaceable AA batteries housed on the bottom of the shaft (battery lifetime approximately 20 hours).

This replica is crafted from the molds of the actual film prop. It is cast in hard polyresin and hand-painted.

It is presented with an Elven-styled wall display plaque featuring Gandalf's "G" rune and includes a certificate of authenticity.

- Material: polyresin
- Overall length: approx. 185.4 cm
- Incl. decorative wall mount and certificate of authenticity

Obj. kód : UC3107

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