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Thai Machete with Sheath

Thai Machete with Sheath
Cena s DPH

Deatil Thai Machete with Sheath

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : CST-97THAMS

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Thai Machete with sheath

Taking inspiration from Thai swords in his personal collection and from his extensive training in the Thai Martial Arts, Cold Steel's President Lynn C. Thompson began exploring his own interpretation of a Thai sword in a machete format.
Lynn has been an active practitioner of Thai Martial Arts since the early 1980s, studying Thai Boxing with Bill Berg and the late Ernie Franco before exploring Muay Thai and Krabi Krabong in greater depth with his current training partner and instructor of over 13 years, Ron Balicki.

The Thai Machete represents the culmination of over 4 years of development and refinement. Like the Thai swords that inspired it, this Machete is beautifully balanced, with a keen cutting edge and sharp tip. Though most commonly seen used in pairs when practicing traditional Thai fighting arts, these long curved blades are amazingly versatile. They are light enough to swing one-handed, but with a long enough handle to employ a two-handed grip for extra leverage and cutting power.

The Thai Machete's wide blade and curved cutting edge make it an excellent brush cutter, slicing grass, vines and light foliage with ease. Its fully sharpened blade is made from the same tough 1055 high carbon steel as the other classic blades in Cold Steel's incredibly popular machetes' line-up. Its tough, traditional looking polypropylene handle has a flattened oval grip that will not twist or turn in your hand, while its steel-reinforced guard offers surprisingly good hand protection.

- Blade material: 1055 high carbon steel w/ black baked-on anti-rust matte finish
- Overall length: approx. 92.7 cm
- Blade length: approx. 55.9 cm
- Blade thickness: 2.8 mm
- Handle: approx. 36.8 cm long, polypropylene
- Weight: approx. 833 g
- Incl. Cor-Ex™ sheath
- Cold Steel Product No.: 97THAMS

Obj. kód : CST-97THAMS

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