Makiwara - high quality

Makiwara je dodávána rozbalená!

Při odběru 20 ks - cena za ks 170,- Kč
Makiwara - high quality
Cena s DPH

Deatil Makiwara - high quality

dodání : cca 1 měsíc

Obj. kód : S11424

Na této stránce najdete :

Makiwara je dodávána rozbalená!

This mat is made from rice straw and can be used for the traditional japanese cutting test tameshigiri. The mat has a dimension of 180*90 cm.

This mat comes single packed in a foil together with a pad of silicon so that the mat wont catch any water during transport or storage. The end of the mat is tied together by some wire which you have to cut of before starting to cut with your blade.

This tatami omote is the high quality. After our experiences in cutting tatami omote during the last years we have decided to offer different qualities of tatami omote. By this we can make sure that each and every cutting customers will be satisfied. The experienced cutter can buy and cut this mat without any problems.

The advantages are obvious :

- not pre rolled, can be rolled individually
- high density, high withstood when cutting
- challenging to cut
- can be rolled up to 7 or more times into each other in order to make big targets

We recommend this tatami omote to all customers practicing tameshigiri on a regular basic, to everybody who is looking for a hard to cut target and to every martial arts practicioner who wants to check his technique.

When you compare the 2 kinds of tatami omote, basic and high quality, then you will quickly realize that the basic quality tatami omote has only half the withstood the high quality has. Or in other words to say, the high quality is twice the hard to cut as the basic quality. The reason for this lies directly in the structure of the omote. The high quality has a much higher density than the basic quality.

Obj. kód : S11424

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10.8.2011 21:14jirka: Určení
15.8.2011 10:21Blahuš: re: Určení
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