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Chinese Butterfly Knives

Chinese Butterfly Knives
Cena s DPH

Deatil Chinese Butterfly Knives

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : CST-88BF

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Chinese Butterfly Knives

Prior to World War II, the Butterfly Sword was virtually unknown outside of southern China. This changed at the close of the 1940?s, when the Communists took control of mainland China, forcing many Kung Fu masters to flee the oppressive regime and establish new schools elsewhere. Currently, due to the spread of Kung Fu, these once obscure swords have become quite popular.

Typically, Butterfly Swords come in pairs that are cleverly nested together so they appear to be one sword not two. When they are drawn, they can be quickly separated and wielded in both hands to make wickedly effective chops, slashes and thrusts.

Our battle worthy blades are 38cm long and 6,7cm wide.
The handsome slip-proof grip features carefully selected hardwood covered with attractively braided cord. The 'D' shaped guard has a long forward quillion, so it can both deflect and trap various opposing weapons.

Designed by Cold Steel.

- blade length: approx. 38 cm
- hilt length: approx. 13,5 cm
- total length: approx. 51.5 cm
- blade thickness: approx. 5 mm
- blade material: 1055 carbon steel
- weight: 1039 grams
Both sheaths are made of leather.

Obj. kód : CST-88BF

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