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Axe Kershaw Tinder

Axe Kershaw Tinder
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Deatil Axe Kershaw Tinder

Dodání : cca 2 měsíce

Obj. kód : KW-1071BWX

Na této stránce najdete :

Camp Ax Kershaw Tinder with BlackWash Finish

Here's why you're going to love the Tinder personal ax...

First of all, it's a handy ax in an easy-to-pack size. The sharp edge will make quick work of smaller branches to create a supply of tinder perfect for getting the campfire going.

But the Kershaw Tinder has some other talents, too. The back of the tool is a hammer, perfect for pounding in tent stakes. There's a built-in pry point, a nail remover, a bottle opener and a set of four hex tools.

Even with all these tools on board, the Tinder is easy to take along. At just over 10 inches (approx. 25 cm) in length and 15 ounces (approx. 425 g) in weight, it is the perfectly sized to add to your gear bag, truck box or camper.

Kershaw made the Tinder full-tang for strength and durability. A BlackWash finish helps protect the steel and hide scratches. For an extra-secure grip, Kershaw added textured handle scales in sturdy, all-weather glass-filled nylon.

- Blade material: 3Cr13 stainless steel with BlackWash™ finish
- Handle material: glass-filled nylon
- Overall length: approx. 26.2 cm
- Blade length: approx. 8.4 cm
- Weight: approx. 432 g
- Full tang construction
- Multi-function tool: hammer, pry point, nail remover, bottle opener, set of four hex tools.
- Manufacturer's product no.: 1071BWX
Shipping weight: 0.80 kg

Obj. kód : KW-1071BWX

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