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Axe Kershaw Quax

Axe Kershaw Quax
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Deatil Axe Kershaw Quax

Dodání : cca 2 měsíce

Obj. kód : KW-7400DCX

Na této stránce najdete :

Ax Kershaw Duck Commander® Quax

One look and you'll see why the Quax is the official ax of the Duckmen of Duck Commander. Yep, the ax head looks like a duck head...

But even though it has a whimsical look, it performs like a real champ. The ax is so good at its job because of its classic wedge shape and sharp, double-beveled edge, called the bit. The bit reduces the force needed when chopping because it naturally splits the wood by the pressure concentrated at the bit. The handle provides additional leverage - again, making it easier to chop and split wood.

Use the full-tang Quax to shape, split and cut wood for your next campfire. It's a strong, reliable tool that just happens to look like a duck.

- Blade material: 3Cr13 stainless steel with grey/black finish
- Handle material: glass-filled nylon
- Overall length: approx. 33 cm
- Blade length: approx. 9.9 cm
- Weight: approx. 797 g
- Full tang construction
- Riveted handle scales
- Lanyard hole
- Incl. plastic blade protector
- Manufacturer's product no.: 7400DCX
Shipping weight: 1.20 kg

Obj. kód : KW-7400DCX

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