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Filmové repliky




Bitva u Thermopyl

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These leather briefs from the 300 movie feature adjustable rear snaps for better fit. Available in S/M or L/XL.
300 Briefs
Cena s DPH

Deatil 300 Briefs


Length 7,62 cm
Width 5,08 cm
300 Brooch
Cena s DPH

Deatil 300 Brooch

This giant wolf´s tooth necklace from the 300 movie is made of resin and comes with a leather thong.

Tooth length: 3"
Thong length: 32"
300 Necklace
Cena s DPH

Deatil 300 Necklace

These sandals from the 300 movie are made of brown leather and feature rubber soles. The three ankle straps are adjustable. Available in men´s whole sizes 7-13.
300 Sandals
Cena s DPH

Deatil 300 Sandals

This Spartan Cape is officially licensed product from Frank Miller's 300, the graphic novel. Made from authentic materials, and fully wearable/functional and durable. Includes custom labeling. Don´t miss out on this cape, the mark of a true Spartan warrior.
300 Spartan Cape
Cena s DPH

Deatil 300 Spartan Cape

300 Spartan Helmet
Cena s DPH

Deatil 300 Spartan Helmet

This stunning set of greaves, or leg guards, is necessary for the full Spartan outfit. The greaves are plated in antiqued brass. The strapping allows a perfect fit.

Length: 24 1/2"
300 Spartan Leg Guards
Cena s DPH

Deatil 300 Spartan Leg Guards

300 Spartan Shield
Cena s DPH

Deatil 300 Spartan Shield

* 1095 high carbon steel, hand-forged and well tempered 24" blade.
* With "blood groove" (fuller) as Frank originally designed it.
* Full tang, with traditional peened over construction.
* Solid steel parts.
* Wood grip with genuine leather wrap.
* Includes "battle worn" full grain leather scabbard and baldric.
* Features full color certificate of authenticity.
* Weight approx. 3 lbs. 30" overall.
300 Spartan Sword
Cena s DPH

Deatil 300 Spartan Sword

Stránky : 1, 2 | >>
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