Ringed Razel

Výrobce: CRKT
Ringed Razel
Cena s DPH

Deatil Ringed Razel

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80562

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When Jon and Josh Graham of Graham Knives in Cleveland, Tennessee, developed their custom Graham Razel™ in 2001, most knife blades came to a single point. Not the Razel. It’s a cross between a chisel and a razor with a knife handle. The result gives two useful Razor-Sharp™ edges, one for pushing or tapping, and the other for precise cutting. You also get two strong blade points. The Graham brothers have been very successful with their custom versions in a variety of sizes and styles.

The CRKT production Razel models follow the Graham concept faithfully, with very thick full-tang blades of premium 9Cr18MoV (similar to 440C) stainless steel in a brushed finish, hand-contoured Micarta® handles, and custom-fitted Kydex® sheaths.

How are mechanics, carpenters, farmers, and home craftsmen using their Razel models? The Grahams report: Scraping gaskets, removing paint and stickers. Chiseling to make reliefs, mortises and tenons. Prying tight-fitting parts. Cutting things like paracord, wire insulation, radiator hose, plastic ties and tubing. Taper reaming a hole with the twist of the wrist. Reaching into tight spaces and push cutting with the chisel edge. Opening feed bags and cutting through bales of hay. You name it, the Razel does it.

The Ringed Razel™ has cutting edges of 2.9 cm and 7.6 cm. The handle terminates in a ring for the little finger. You can use this tool in the wettest, slickest conditions without fear of losing your grip.

They’re three extremely high-quality work tools, built to custom standards, each one unique in the knife and tool world. And just about every serious craftsman we show them to, wants one immediately.

In-pocket sheaths. The Grahams have designed the Kydex sheaths for the Stubby Pocket Razel and Ringed Razel for right-hand in-pocket carry, as shown below.


Blade: Width: 2.9 cm

Length: 7.6 cm

Thickness: 0.46 cm

Steel: 9Cr18MoV, 58-60 HRC

Knife: Overall length: 19.0 cm

Weight: 156 g

Sheath (included with knife)

Overall length: 12.7 cm

Weight: 40 g

Obj. kód : S80562

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