Big Eddy Fillets

Výrobce: CRKT
Big Eddy Fillets
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Deatil Big Eddy Fillets

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80553

Na této stránce najdete :

Russ Kommer, gifted knifemaker and hunting and fishing guide, came up with the breakthrough blade grind that puts our Big Eddy™ at the head of the class. Traditionally, fillet knives have had a symmetrical grind. After many hours of filleting 40-pound Alaska Salmon with the great skill and care required, the answer for a vastly improved fillet knife came to Russ—put a hollow grind on the top side of the blade and a flat grind on the bottom.

After making and rigorously testing a custom version and proving how well the concept worked, Russ granted CRKT the exclusive rights for the production models.

The Razor-Sharp 420J2 stainless steel blade features Russ’s high hollow grind on the top of the blade, which creates an air pocket to lift and “float” fillets off, while the flat taper ground side glides smoothly across the skin. Triple-Point™ Serrations help you cut through gristle, bones and fins.

The unique Twin-Fused™ handle is a rigid, high-impact polypropylene core wrapped with a soft, comfortable checkered Kraton® grip for a firm, safe hold. Its streamlined sheath is injection-molded for long wear and stylish utility.

The polypropylene lanyard adds extra convenience. Kommer’s Big Eddy adds special ease and speed of filleting to the quality of the world’s finest filleting knives—all at a remarkable price.


Blade: Hollow and Taper Ground,

Razor-Sharp Filleting Knife with Triple-Point Serrations

Length: 17.1 cm

Steel: 420J2, 54-56 HRC

Knife: Overall length: 31.1 cm

Weight: 94 g

3008 Sheath (included with knife)

Material: Zytel

Length: 25.4 cm

Weight: 48 g

Obj. kód : S80553

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