Halligans K.I.S.S. silver half serrated

Výrobce: CRKT
Halligans K.I.S.S. silver half serrated
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Deatil Halligans K.I.S.S. silver half serrated

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80484

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There’s nothing like the real thing. The Original K.I.S.S.®, with its Tanto-inspired blade and bead-blast finish, is the revolutionary high-tech statement by Knifemakers’ Guild member and K.I.S.S. designer “Daddy K.I.S.S.” Ed Halligan. It stands for “Keep It Super Simple.” It’s one honey of a knife, precision fine blanked for superior fit and smooth operation.

Like all folding knives in the K.I.S.S. family, Ed Halligan’s unique two-piece construction features an integral Frame Lock™, and a breakthrough design which seals the cutting edge against the handle.

A thumb stud is used to one-hand open the blade, and as the blade is fully rotated open, the Frame Lock snaps crisply in behind the blade to give a sound lockup. The blade can be closed with one hand, simply by releasing the Frame Lock.

The Original K.I.S.S.® blade shape is Tanto-inspired—Chisel-Point grind on the front and flat on the backside—so that when the blade is closed onto its handle/frame, the precision fit effectively “seals” the cutting edge to the frame, even though it’s exposed. Both blade and frame are 420J2 stainless steel in a fine bead-blast finish.

The K.I.S.S.® in the Dark features blade, frame, clip and hardware in black non-reflective Teflon® plating that is tough and long lasting.

Delilah’s P.E.C.K.® (or Precision Engineered Compact Knife) is Ed’s baby, weighing less than 1 oz. and only 2.625 inches long when closed. Just think of it as a sweet little K.I.S.S. When open, the graceful 1.75” Razor-Sharp Wharncliffe blade is a high-performance cutting tool suited for hundreds of daily tasks.

The P.E.C.K.® in the Dark is our smaller black-on-black model with black Teflon plating for those who prefer the tactical look.

The design of the K.I.S.S. series pocket/money clip permits them to be used in a variety of ways: clipped to the pocket; as a money clip knife; and with split-ring or lanyard, as a key chain knife.

In the wake of the success of the K.I.S.S., a flock of imitators has appeared; none offers the simple elegance of Ed Halligan’s original design, and none offers the value of CRKT quality manufacturing. In fact, the more Ed’s design is imitated, the better it looks.


Blade: Length: 5.7 cm

Thickness: 0.30 cm

Steel: 420J2, 52-55 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 8.9 cm

Open: Overall length: 14.6 cm

Weight: 65 g

Obj. kód : S80484

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