M16 Titanium grip 7.9 cm

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M16 Titanium grip 7.9 cm
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Deatil M16 Titanium grip 7.9 cm

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80604

Na této stránce najdete :

Kit Carson, designer of the M16® Series, became famous for his titanium frame M16 customs. True to Kit’s custom design in all details, the production M16T models have been taken a step further with the addition of our exclusive patented* AutoLAWKS™ safety, which automatically turns the folders into virtual fixed blades when the blade is opened and locked.

The handles, which form the open-build frame, are CNC machined from 6AL4V titanium. The result is a better strength-to-weight ratio than steel or aluminum, and an almost indestructible frame. The titanium frame is minimally ceramic bead-blast finished to enhance grip. The single 420J2 stainless steel locking liner with friction grooves provides positive locking.

Blades are AUS 8 stainless steel, chosen for edge retention and durability, in non-reflective fine bead blast finish, with Combined Razor-Sharp and Triple-Point™ Serrated edges on the two larger sizes. This steel can handle the most rugged cutting tasks and still be field sharpened.

Of course, the T models feature the signature “Carson Flipper” extension to the blade, which aids opening and acts as an additional blade guard.

The M16®-01T is similar to our Every Day Carry M16 spear point models, but in a titanium build. It is just that much smaller, lighter and slimmer, making it easier to carry.

The slim profile M16®-13T has a spear point blade, a very popular slender shape that is ideal for a variety of carry positions.

The “Big Dog” M16®-14T is a hefty, full-size working knife with a dual grind modified Tanto-style blade.

One-hand opening and closing is quick and smooth, the result of Teflon® bearings at the blade pivot. The ambidextrous thumb stud with checkered surface provides instant access in any circumstance. Both models feature a removable Teflon-plated stainless steel clothing/gear clip.

Faithful replicas. Premium quality. Precise. Smooth. Amazing value for those who want the ultimate M16. Kit Carson still marvels at how well our production titaniums compare to his customs.


Blade: Length: 7.9 cm

Thickness: 2.0 mm

Steel: AUS 8, 58-59 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 10.2 cm

Open: Overall length: 18.1 cm

Weight: 68 g

Obj. kód : S80604

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