Gallagher Badger

Výrobce: CRKT
Gallagher Badger
Cena s DPH

Deatil Gallagher Badger

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80457

Na této stránce najdete :

Yes, you don’t have to be a rock star to afford this new Barry Gallagher folder. As you know, Barry is one of the most acclaimed members of the Knifemakers’ Guild, well known for his award-winning high-end custom art knives. So we had a special challenge in producing Barry‘s new Badger™ design at a quality level that would satisfy him, while keeping the price low enough to satisfy you.

We selected high-carbon 5Cr15MoV stainless steel for the 7,3 cm blade, and applied a non-reflective black oxide coating for maximum corrosion resistance. It’s an unusual blade shape that we call a “notched drop point” with a high hollow grind and a strong center spine. The result is a blade with excellent slicing ability and good penetrating ability with minimum weight.

The Badger features our patented* OutBurst™ assisted opening mechanism, which instantly springs the blade fully open after you have opened the blade approximately 30 degrees. It has Teflon® bearings at the adjustable blade pivot for smooth action.

The grooved thumb disk allows fast either-hand opening, and the locking liner has friction grooves for easy one-hand closing.

CRKT owners expect the strength and rigidity of our InterFrame locking liner build with two 2Cr13 stainless steel liners, also black oxide finished, and a black aluminum back spacer. For the Badger scales, we have created a special layered green and black textured G10, which is CNC machined top and bottom to aid grip. The effect is indistinguishable from the best custom builds.

As a final touch, we added a removable custom stainless steel clip, also black oxide coated to match. All fasteners are quality Torx®, and are also finished in black.

The result is a well-balanced personal knife that feels just right as an every day carry. It fits the hand perfectly, opens with crisp authority, and looks great, too. You can tell your friends it’s a Barry Gallagher design, but you don’t have to mention the very affordable price.


Blade: Length: 7.3 cm

Thickness: 0.25 cm

Steel: 5Cr15MoV, 55-57 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 9.8 cm

Open: Overall length: 17.1 cm

Weight: 77 g

Obj. kód : S80457

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