
Výrobce: CRKT
Cena s DPH

Deatil Edgie

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80540

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Since the dawn of human history, man has dreamed of a knife that would sharpen itself during normal use. Here it is, the patented* brainchild of inventor Maj. Howard Pope (USAR Ret.), who collaborated with custom knifemaker and Knifemakers’ Guild member Steve Jernigan. Steve created a practical and affordable prototype, which was the basis for our unique folder.

We call it the Edgie™ because it hones its edge every time it is opened or closed. This first CRKT Edgie model was designed to be a simple, affordable utility knife with broad appeal.

The secret is a diamond-coated spring sharpener built into the folder frame. (Why didn’t I think of that?) It is placed at the precise angle to give the Edgie’s Wharncliffe blade a sharpening stroke as it is closed, and again as it is opened. Not only do you never need to sharpen the Edgie with stones or wheels, but you should not, because it may alter the Edgie’s proper self-sharpening edge angle. Of course, it is important during a long cutting work session to periodically open and close the blade to maintain the edge.

The high-carbon stainless steel blade in satin finish features a strong full-width spine for most of its length, dual hollow grinds, and the single cutting edge. Because the internal diamond sharpening strip works on this one edge only, a tiny burr forms, which actually helps cutting action, acting as a microserration. This makes the Edgie tops for cutting cardboard boxes, rope, cord and even ripe tomatoes.

For strength and long life, we’ve used our InterFrame build, with two stainless steel liners and stainless steel back spring, all in satin finsh. The injection-molded Zytel® scales have castellations at the spine and a checkered inset pattern to enhance grip.

Finally, a removable stainless steel clip in satin finish makes this a most versatile work knife, ready to clip inside pockets, on belts or webbing, on tool belts, or on sports gear.

Because the abrasive strip is designed to last as long as the blade itself, the Edgie is covered by the CRKT limited lifetime warranty like all CRKT knives.


Blade: Length: 7.3 cm

Thickness: 0.25 cm

Steel: 420J2, 52-55 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 10.5 cm

Open: Overall length: 17.8 cm

Weight: 108 g

Obj. kód : S80540

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