C/K Dragon

Výrobce: CRKT
C/K Dragon
Cena s DPH

Deatil C/K Dragon

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80607

Na této stránce najdete :

Bob Kasper, the late writer and combat instructor, designed the basic outline of the C/K Dragon™ after ten years of study into the principles of extreme in-close fighting developed by Dr. Gordon Eric Perrigard over fifty years ago. These techniques use automatic conditioned reflexes with minimal body movement. The knife is considered as part of the hand.

Bob sent his sketch to award-winning custom knifemakers Pat and Wes Crawford of Crawford Knives in West Memphis, Arkansas, who developed the handle scales. As Pat Crawford says, “This knife is all business. I hope it will become a part of Bob’s legacy to the professional martial arts community.”

Like its namesake, the C/K Dragon bites (with the tapered tip), claws (with the long Wharncliffe cutting edge), and strikes (with the pommel) its adversary. We at CRKT have engineered our production model to be as close as possible to the Crawford custom Dragon, which has proven popular with law enforcement and military operators.

The 4.50” full tang blade has a tapered Wharncliffe grind for great penetrating power. It is made of exceptionally tough 9Cr18 high-chromium stainless steel to stand up to the worst abuse.

The handle features a deep finger choil and textured G10 scales with deep diagonal grooves for optimum grip with gloved hands and under wet conditions, aided by deep friction grooves at the thumb. At the pommel, a pointed metal hammer tip is useful for window breaking and other tactical impact needs.

True to Bob Kasper’s concept, this is a knife with perfect balance that truly feels like part of your hand. Mass is centered at the palm, and the tapered blade tip makes the Dragon feel like a much smaller knife.

We’ve designed a lightweight Kydex sheath with a patented* multi-position clip, which can be attached for vertical or horizontal carry on belts, webbing or equipment. Using the MercHarness™, it can be carried comfortably under the arm. There is also a hole at the butt of the knife for a lanyard or fob.

Despite its tactical intentions, we have found that thanks to its weight, balance, grip and long precision cutting edge, the Dragon makes a very functional and versatile knife in the shop, too. Enter the C/K Dragon.


Blade: Length: 11, 4 cm

Thickness: 3, 5 cm

Steel: 9Cr18, 58-60 HRC

Knife: Overall length: 23, 5 cm

Weight: 122 g

Obj. kód : S80607

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