Hammond A.B.C. Aqua

Výrobce: CRKT
Hammond A.B.C. Aqua
Cena s DPH

Deatil Hammond A.B.C. Aqua

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80559

Na této stránce najdete :

Jim Hammond is an active outdoorsman as well as a custom knifemaker and Knifemakers’ Guild member. When his diving and whitewater friends pointed out the need for a better multipurpose fixed blade, he developed his custom A.B.C. (All Bases Covered) knife/sheath system. The two CRKT production versions are faithful to Jim’s designs and priced to put them within reach of everyone who depends on a knife for work, survival and rescue.

The blunt-tipped A.B.C. Aqua is designed to fill all the needs of the scuba diver and whitewater enthusiast in a single knife. The bottom hollow ground Razor-Sharp edge is suited to fine cutting tasks. The top Combined Razor-Sharp and Triple-Point™ Serrated edge is ideal for rapid rough cutting through cord, nets, fishing line, kelp, and for safe release of whitewater entanglements. The blunt point won’t pierce air compartments if accidentally dropped. It is also an indispensable work tool for swift water rescue teams, paramedics, and law enforcement.

Both blades are full-tang skeletonized designs of premium AUS 8 stainless steel. For maximum corrosion resistance, the steel is first mirror polished to close the pores, and then black titanium nitride coated. The finger choils are heavily friction grooved for sure grip.

The black injection-molded Zytel® scales have an aggressive texture, and they are held in place with corrosion-resistant stainless steel Torx® fasteners. The A.B.C. Aqua comes with an additional set of high-visibility yellow scales, plus a Torx tool allowing you to quickly switch scales.

The Zytel sheath with dual attachment panels and black stainless spring steel clip allows eight carry modes and countless variations. Black finish brass Chicago screws allow adjustment of the knife compression fit into the sheath. Equally important, they are used for a multitude of attachment orientations: on diving buoyancy compensators and pocket flaps, webbing, with dive leg straps, on PFDs, or with a neck cord.

Strong. Simple. Versatile. Extremely corrosion resistant. All bases covered.


Blade: Length: 9.5 cm

Thickness: 0.40 cm

Steel: AUS 8, 58-59 HRC

Knife: Overall length: 21.6 cm

Weight: 130 g

A.B.C. Sheath (included with knife)

Material: Zytel®

Overall length: 13.6 cm

Width: 6.4 cm

Weight: 96 g

Obj. kód : S80559

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