Tsubasa Chronicle - Kurogane Sword Ginryu - Handforged, Set

Overall length: 106.5 cm
Blade length: 73 cm
Handle length: 32.5 cm
Weight: 1295 g
Tsubasa Chronicle - Kurogane Sword Ginryu - Handforged, Set
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Obj. kód : 40533

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This is the hand-forged version of the sword “Ginryu” of the swordsman Kurogane from the anime series “Tsubasa Chronicle”

Sakura, princess of the Clow kingdom, and Shaolan, a young archaeologist with a mysterious past, have been friends since childhood. One night while Sakura is visiting Shaolan all her memories get stolen by a mysterious power. In order to gain them back, high priest Yukito sends Shaolan to the Witch of Dimensions, Yuko Ichihara. She tells him that he can save Sakuras life by collecting her memories that now have the form of feathers in different dimensions.

Two other dimension travelers accompany Shaolan on his journey. Swordsman Kurogane killed unnecessarily during his search for strong enemies and was therefore banned by his princess. He now wants back to his dimension. The magician Fye de Flourite sealed King Ashura in his world and therefore can’t stay there, so now he wants to travel to another dimension. The witch grants them the ability to travel to different dimension in exchange for the most precious thing they own. This means Kurogane has to give up his sword, Fye his tattoo which he needs to use his magical abilities since it’s his source of power and Shaolan all the memories Sakura has of him. Then the four start their journey through time and space accompanied by a furry being called Mokona.

Obj. kód : 40533

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