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The Hobbit - Mace of Azog The Defiler

The Hobbit - Mace of Azog The Defiler
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Deatil The Hobbit - Mace of Azog The Defiler

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : UC3015

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The Hobbit - Mace of Azog The Defiler

Thought to have been destroyed in the great battle between Orcs and Dwarves, Azog the Defiler has come forth once more, and he will stop at nothing to hunt down and destroy every last member of the company of Thorin Oakenshield.
Azog's primary weapon is his war mace. A primitive but brutal weapon, the mace was constructed of wood, leather, cord, and rough forged steel.

This faithfully detailed replica is a reproduction of the actual filming prop created by Weta Workshop in New Zealand and used in the motion picture The Hobbit. United Cutlery, leader in the field of movie prop replicas, has meticulously recreated this mace, using highest quality materials only. The highest priority was set on the accuracy of all details.
It is crafted in steel-reinforced polyresin with precise attention to detailing. It is presented with a polystone wall-mount featuring a graphic motif of Azog's tattoo scars.

- Overall length: approx. 102 cm
- Head length: approx. 32.5 cm
- Finely crafted of steel-reinforced poly-resin
- Includes a polystone wall mount
Shipping weight: 10.00 kg

Obj. kód : UC3015

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