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Masonic Sword with horn grip and scabbard

Masonic Sword with horn grip and scabbard
Cena s DPH

Deatil Masonic Sword with horn grip and scabbard

Dodání : cca 2 měsíce

Obj. kód : SW2001

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Masonic Sword with horn grip and scabbard

To this day, the Freemasons still use swords and rapiers for their traditional ceremonies and rituals during the so-called Temple Service.
This Masonic sword features a comfortable grip made of cow horn with brass wire wrapping. The pommel and the nicely shaped guard are made of brass. The symbol of the cross adorns the center of the guard.
The high carbon steel blade is unsharpened. Owing to specific rituals which require keeping the ceremonial sword raised for a longer period of time, its weight was purposely kept as low as possible.
Delivery includes a matching leather-bound steel scabbard with locket, chape and belt hook made of brass.

A suitable cowhide carrying bag for sword and scabbard is also available, product no. SW2001B.

- Material: blade forged out of high carbon steel, hilt made of horn and brass
- Overall length: approx. 88 cm
- Blade length: approx. 74 cm
- Including matching scabbard
- Weight (without scabbard): approx. 350 g

Please note:
We do not sell this product to customers under the age of 18. Please provide your birth date when ordering. We'll also need a copy of your ID-card or passport by email, scan, fax or mail.
Shipping weight: 1.50 kg

Obj. kód : SW2001

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