Knights Helmet

Knights Helmet
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Obj. kód : 7073

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Although the roots of the word knight are connected to the Old English cniht, meaning page boy, or simply boy, or German Knecht, or servant, the ideas of knighthood are arguably more closely tied to the Roman equites (see esquire). While a knight was the servant of the Crown and of God he was also very often a wealthy junior nobleman.

During the middle ages, the term knight referred to a mounted and armoured soldier. Originally, knights were warriors on horse-back, but the title became increasingly connected to nobility and social status, most likely because of the cost of equipping oneself in the cavalry. Knighthood eventually became a formal title bestowed on those noblemen trained for active war duty.

In theory, knighthood could be bestowed on a man by any knight, but it was generally considered honorable to be dubbed knight by the hand of a monarch or royalty. By about the late 13th century, partly in conjunction with the focus on courtly behavior, a code of conduct and uniformity of dress for knights began to evolve. Knights were eligible to wear a white belt and golden spurs as signs of their status. Moreover, knights were also required to swear allegiance — either to a liege lord or to a Military order.

Obj. kód : 7073

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