Game Of Thrones - The Hounds Helm Game Of Thrones - The Hounds Helm

Game Of Thrones - The Hounds Helm 	 Game Of Thrones - The Hounds Helm
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Deatil Game Of Thrones - The Hounds Helm 	 Game Of Thrones - The Hounds Helm

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : 1708220103

Na této stránce najdete :

Game Of Thrones - Helm of The Hound with Stand
Officially licensed replica from HBO's hit TV series Game of Thrones®

Sandor Clegane, best known as The Hound, earned his nickname owing to both his brutal nature and his unquestioned obedience to his masters. He wears full armor and a remarkable, fearsome helm in the shape of a snarling hound's head. The Hound, who claims that killing is the best thing in the world, is a formidable fighter, considered one of the most skilled and vicious warriors in the whole Realm.
He is the younger brother of Ser Gregor Clegane, also known as The Mountain, a tremendously huge and savage knight at the service of House Lannister and, without a doubt, the most feared man in all Westeros. The Hound bears hideous burn scars on the right half of his face, a constant reminder of the time when, as a child, his older brother held his head into a burning brazier to punish him for playing with one of his toy without asking for permission. Ever since, fire seems to be the only thing that Sandor truly and deeply fears.
Initially a bodyguard to Prince (then King) Joffrey Baratheon, he eventually deserts from the Kingsguard during the Battle of the Blackwater, overwhelmed by his fear of fire and disgusted by King Joffrey and the Lannisters. He leaves King's Landing to seek refuge in the Rivelands.

This replica of The Hound's helm is an officially licensed collectible meticulously recreated from the actual prop used on the HBO epic fantasy drama TV show Game of Thrones®. It has been crafted with close attention to detail and no effort was spared to accurately reproduce the authentic features found on the original piece. It is made of fiberglass and features hinged jaws that open and close (if needed, the visor's tension can be adjusted by using an Allen wrench on the interior).

Strictly limited to 2500 pieces, each helm is serialized and comes with a certificate of authenticity and a display stand.

Please note that this helm is intended solely for display purposes as a collector's item.

- Material: fiberglass
- Dimensions: approx. 38 x 31 cm
- Weight: approx. 6.8 kg
- Incl. certificate of authenticity and wooden display stand with a silkscreened motif of the Clegane sigil.

Shipping weight: 9.00 kg

Obj. kód : 1708220103

Game-Of-Thrones---The-Hounds-Helm-	-Game-Of-Thrones---The-Hounds-Helm
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