Game Of Thrones - Oathkeeper Sword

Game Of Thrones - Oathkeeper Sword
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Deatil Game Of Thrones - Oathkeeper Sword

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : 0108220112

Na této stránce najdete :

Game Of Thrones Oathkeeper Sword
Officially licensed replica from HBO's hit TV series Game of Thrones®

Oathkeeper is one of the two one-handed Valyrian steel swords re-forged from Ice, the ancestral sword of the House Stark, on Lord Tywin Lannister's orders. Tywin gives it to his son Jaime, expecting that he will accept to be released from his duty as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard in order to rule over Casterly Rock as his heir. Although Jaime refuses, Tywin lets him keep the sword. Later in the series, Jaime gives it to Brienne of Tarth, with whom he shares a particular bond. It is Brienne who ultimately names it "Oathkeeper".

This replica of Oathkeeper is an officially licensed collectible meticulously recreated from the actual prop used on the HBO epic fantasy drama TV show Game of Thrones®. It has been crafted with close attention to detail and no effort was spared to accurately reproduce the authentic features found on the original piece. Each sword comes with a certificate of authenticity and a wall mount for display.

- Blade material: stainless steel
- Handle material: bronze-plated cast metal with faux jewels
- Overall length: approx. 105 cm
- Blade length: approx. 81 cm
- Weight: approx. 1700 g
- Incl. certificate of authenticity and silkscreened wooden display plaque with sigil of the House Tarth of Evenfall Hall.

Obj. kód : 0108220112

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