Snap Lock silver half-serrated

Výrobce: CRKT
Snap Lock silver half-serrated
Cena s DPH

Deatil Snap Lock silver half-serrated

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80497

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Ed Van Hoy is a well-known Virginia custom knifemaker and instructor who has a flair for the dramatic and unusual. When his custom Snap Lock™ was given the “Most Innovative Knife Award” at the American Knifemakers’ Guild Show, we knew we had to offer a production version, and here it is, the CRKT Snap Lock. It immediately won the Designer Knife award at the 2004 IWA show in Nuremberg, Germany, and was named “Overall Knife of the Year” at the 2004 Blade Show in Atlanta, Georgia.

When closed, the AUS 4 stainless steel wishbone frame is a 100% effective blade edge guard; when open, it is a minimal but very usable handle. The harder you grip the handle, the more it locks the blade in place, thanks to twelve positive locking surfaces between the frame and locking lugs, so it is a very safe and secure system.

The next question was, “When can I get a smaller personal version?” Ultimately, we were able to create the Snap Lock 2 at 70% of the original size, resulting in a little gem with a 4.4 cm blade, weighing only 43 g.

Ed’s cam locking system features two thumb wheels, for truly ambidextrous use. The pocket/money clips are removable, and left and right clips are included with the larger models. The blade can pivot a full 360? with no clip, or 180? in either direction with a stainless steel clip in place. Simply press the thumb wheel and rotate the blade. Opening and closing can be accomplished with one hand and is truly slick and quick.

The AUS 4 stainless steel blade itself has a subtle drop point shape, almost a Wharncliffe, and is available in both Razor-Sharp or Combined Razor-Sharp and Triple-Point™ Serrated edges. Five lightening holes also add a decorative touch.

Blade, frame, and clip have a contemporary bead-blast finish.

It has been called a “far-out folder” but the more you handle and carry the Snap Lock, the more you realize it is one great work tool. All-steel construction means it is just about indestructible, and will last for years. The handle itself is likely the biggest “spring” ever devised for a knife-locking mechanism, so it will last for the life of the knife.

“The decisions of the jury were almost unanimous,” stated Margaret Spindler, Chair of the IWA jury and consultant for the Knife Award. The jury commented, “Everything in one: gadget, ornament, utensil and money clip.”


Blade: Length: 6.4 cm

Thickness: 0.30 cm

Steel: AUS 4, 55-57 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 10.8 cm

Open: Overall length: 15.6 cm

Clips: Two, right and left, removable

Weight: 77 g

Obj. kód : S80497

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