Pazoda 2

Výrobce: CRKT
Pazoda 2
Cena s DPH

Deatil Pazoda 2

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80504

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What makes a good logo knife? It should be affordable, and it should have some large flat areas on the blade or frame suitable for logo imprinting. So we are very happy to present the Drifter and Pazoda™ series. They’re high-quality knives that are priced low enough to purchase in quantity, and all have flat areas that are perfect for our “Company Billboard” imprinting by laser or silk screen. Or you can take any one to your local trophy house for personalized engraving.

The Drifter G10 is a locking liner folder with black G10 scales and a premum 8Cr14MoV stainless steel 7, 3 cm drop point blade in a gray titanium nitride finish. It features an InterFrame build with stainless steel liners and a black stainless steel clip. It is available in both Razor-Sharp or Combined Razor-Sharp and Triple-Point™ Serrated edges.

The Drifter Stainless is a stainless steel frame-lock folder. The flat titanium nitride-coated frames are ideally suited for imprinting. It also features a 7.3 cm 8Cr14MoV stainless steel blade with a Razor-Sharp edge and a brushed finish. A stainless steel clip is included.

The Pazoda™ is a stylish frame-lock folder with a 6.7 cm premium 8Cr14MoV blade, gray titanium nitride coated. The stainless steel frames are also given a gray titanium nitride coating, and then a brushed finish on the outer surface only, leaving an ample bright area for imprinting. The oval blade hole allows fast either-hand opening. A stainless steel clip is included. The Pazoda is available in both Razor-Sharp or Combined Razor-Sharp and Triple-Point™ Serrated edges.

The smaller Pazoda™ 2 is similar in design and materials to its larger brother, but with a 5.4 cm Razor-Sharp blade. It is simply an incredible value in an all-stainless steel folder.

For more information on colors, pricing and minimum quantities of custom “Company Billboard” imprinting of CRKT knives with your logo or message, see our price list, or click here. The Drifter and Pazoda series open a new vista on the world of affordable logo knives.


Blade: Length: 5.4 cm

Thickness: 0.25 cm

Steel: 8Cr14MoV, 58-59 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 7.6 cm

Open: Overall length: 13.0 cm

Weight: 43 g

Obj. kód : S80504

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