M16 Zytel EDC black half-serrated tanto form

Výrobce: CRKT
M16 Zytel EDC black half-serrated tanto form
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Deatil M16 Zytel EDC black half-serrated tanto form

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80527

Na této stránce najdete :

Kit Carson’s M16® designs continue to be our most popular series, so it was only a matter of time that we filled out the line with a Zytel® InterFrame build version of his Every Day Carry (EDC). Our knife users told us, “The size of the aluminum build EDC is perfect, but I need a more affordable work knife that I can give hard use without feeling guilty, and one that won’t break me up if I leave it on a job site or drop it in the river.”

We heard you. So we set about to make the Zytel EDCs the best value in the work and sport knife world.

That starts with textured Zytel® scales and a dual 420J2 stainless steel liner InterFrame. Assembled with Zytel back spacers and Torx® fasteners, the result is amazingly rigid. Zytel is a fiberglass-filled nylon that offers excellent toughness and resistance to solvents. Teflon® bearings at the blade pivot and an adjustable pivot screw allow for perfect blade action.

Blades are AUS 4 high-carbon stainless steel which gives an ideal combination of toughness and edge-holding ability in a work knife, and also allows easy field-sharpening. Standard models have a bead-blast finish, while our very popular “K” models have a black EDP finish.

The M16®-01Z uses our popular spear point slim profile blade with a Razor-Sharp edge. It is ideal for fine cutting and carving tasks. The M16®-01KZ is the same design with black EDP blade, black frame and hardware.

The M16®-10Z features a dual hollow grind Tanto-style blade with Combined Razor-Sharp and Triple-Point™ Serrated edges similar to our “Big Dog” M16 models. The result is maximum blade strength and ability to saw through cord, webbing, nets or vegetation quickly. The M16®-10KZ is again the same design with black EDP blade, black frame and hardware.

Of course, all models feature the Carson Flipper, which speeds opening of the blade and acts as a blade guard when the blade is open.

The real breakthrough was our ability to engineer our patented* AutoLAWKS™ knife safety into all models, which automatically actuates when the blades are open, making these folders into virtual fixed blades when locked.

Add to these features the standard removable Teflon®-plated stainless steel clothing/gear clip plus the CRKT limited lifetime warranty, and you have one of the truly great knife values of our time.


Blade: Length: 7.6 cm

Thickness: 0.20 cm

Steel: AUS 4, 55-57 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 10.2 cm

Open: Overall length: 18.1 cm

Weight: 65 g

Obj. kód : S80527

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