Kommer 30-30 Cocobolo-Schalen

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Kommer 30-30 Cocobolo-Schalen
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Deatil Kommer 30-30 Cocobolo-Schalen

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80551

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Our art directors and photographers may have become jaded after years of illustrating products for our catalog, but even they were blown away by the quality and finish of our new Kommer 30-30 folding hunters. They said, “It was simply a joy to set up the photos because this knife looks good from every angle.” Designed by custom knifemaker and former Alaskan guide Russ Kommer, these production knives do indeed have that special look and slick action of a Kommer custom.

That is the approach that our factories took, building these knives of top-quality materials, and finishing them by hand, just as a custom knifemaker does.

The classic drop point skinning blade has a high hollow grind and Razor-Sharp edge to make fast work of the largest animals. We used 1.4116 stainless steel for its combination of edge-holding ability and toughness. The blade is mirror polished to resist corrosion. A ramped thumb stud and Teflon® bushings at the blade pivot allow easy one-hand opening.

Our strong InterFrame build uses two stainless steel liners, one locking, topped by stainless steel bolsters and hand-finished wooden scales. You have your choice of dark ebony, or rich red cocobolo.

Russ knows that cleaning is an issue with all hunting folders, so he went to great steps to avoid dirt-holding nooks and crannies. For example, the pivot screw is shielded behind the bolsters. The liners and bolster are polished. And the stainless steel back spacer is smoothly contoured inside and out. Finally, there is no clip to catch debris.

Instead, we provide a custom contoured leather sheath with a belt loop and snap-down flap to completely protect the knife when it is not in use.

The result is a sleek knife that not only looks like a million dollars, but feels perfectly balanced in your hand. It is a simple classic design, carefully executed.

Of course, our art director also wanted to know the suggested retail price of the Kommer 30-30, and he thought we were joking. We weren’t. You could easily pay twice the price for a knife of this quality.

And you don’t have to be a hunter to carry one, because it also makes a useful personal carry, with a hint of the rugged Alaskan outdoors.


Blade: Length: 7.6 cm

Thickness: 0.30 cm

Steel: 1.4116, 55-57 HRC

Knife: Overall length: 19.0 cm

Closed: Handle length: 11.4 cm

Weight: 111 g

Kommer 30-30 Sheath (included with knife)

Material: Leather

Overall length: 13.3 cm

Width: 6.0 cm

Weight: 62 g

Obj. kód : S80551

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