Desert Cruiser Special Forces

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Desert Cruiser Special Forces
Cena s DPH

Deatil Desert Cruiser Special Forces

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80603

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Jim Hammond is highly highly regarded in Special Ops circles worldwide for both his tactical fixed blades and folding knives. His Desert Cruisers™ were created to blend like a chameleon into the desert realm; the desert tans of its corrosion-resistant titanium nitride coated blade and contoured Zytel® scales disappear as part of the subtle tones of combat camouflage.

The Cruiser’s design is pure combat common sense. In translating Jim’s custom Cruiser into production, we used our extremely strong InterFrame build with 420J2 stainless liners, one locking. The Desert Tan injection-molded textured Zytel® scales are radiused and contoured to perfectly fit the hand. Their boldly textured surface provides grip security. The deep finger choil, serrated thumb ramp on the blade, and rounded parrot’s beak pommel, capture the hand for maximum control in multiple grip positions, forward or reverse.

To simplify the clean open build, a unique blade stop channel is CNC machined within the blade. This in turn, allows friction-grooved, tapered blade extension “flippers” to rocket the blade open with either hand. It also provides added thumb security when holding the knife edge up. Tactical Knives calls it “the sweetest flipper in the business.”

The Desert Cruiser Special Forces model features two flippers, resulting in a true hilt and giving extra thumb purchase.

Both use premium AUS 8 stainless steel for the clip-point blade. It has a high hollow grind that curves upward near the tip and a long false top edge, making it an exceptionally versatile tactical knife. The blade edge is Combination Razor-Sharp and Triple-Point™ Serrated. Dual thumb studs and Teflon® blade bearings allow smooth one-hand opening and closing.

We’ve also incorporated the patented* LAWKS® safety into the Desert Cruiser, which makes the folder a virtual fixed blade when engaged.

Jim also designed a special paddle-style clothing/gear clip system, which can be attached in four positions: tip up, tip down, left or right on belts or webbing. Two stainless steel Teflon®-plated clips, hardware and Torx® tool are included. Caution: These knives are not designed for tip-up in-pocket carry.

Jim Hammond’s Desert Cruiser is one of the most advanced designs of its type. Designed to do its job and complete any mission. The knife of choice when the only easy day was yesterday.


Blade: Length: 9.5 cm

Thickness: 0.35 cm

Steel: AUS 8, 58-59 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 13.3 cm

Open: Overall length: 22.5 cm

Weight: 179 g

Obj. kód : S80603

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