Early Medieval Scale Armour Birka-Type, non-galvanised

Early Medieval Scale Armour Birka-Type, non-galvanised
Cena s DPH

Deatil Early Medieval Scale Armour Birka-Type, non-galvanised

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : ULF-PA-11N

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Early medieval scale armour Birka-type

This is a reproduction of an early medieval lamellar armour, as worn for example by the Saxons, the Franks and the Vikings.
Finds from Visby and Birka (Sweden) have furnished evidence that this type of armour was popular with the (North) Germanic peoples. The scales used here are modeled on the original pieces found in Birka.

Our lamellar armour is hand-crafted from approx. 430 mild steel scales. The individual scales are tied together by means of thick leather cords. They are not galvanised and may consequently be subject to corrosion. If you'd rather have a rust-proof scale armour, we recommend you to purchase the zinc-plated version of this armour: ULF-PA-11Z.

Our lamellar armour can be expanded with our set of 25 steel scales for self-assembly (Product No. ULF-SC-01).

- Material: approx. 430 polished mild steel scales, leather strings
- Size: adjustable by means of straps and buckles, chest girth from approx. 104 cm to 122 cm
- Can be expanded with our pack of 25 steel scales, Product No. ULF-SC-01
- Dimensions of a scale (length/width/thickness): 97 x 22 x 1.1 mm
- Weight: approx. 6.7 kg

This is an original ULFBERTH® product.
Shipping weight: 7.50 kg

Obj. kód : ULF-PA-11N

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