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Barong Machete with Sheath

Barong Machete with Sheath
Cena s DPH

Deatil Barong Machete with Sheath

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : CST-97BAM18S

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Barong Machete with sheath

The barong is common throughout all of Southeast Asia. Often used as an agricultural tool, it is also known as an effective implement of warfare.

Many of Cold Steel's employees, including the company president Lynn C. Thompson, are practitioners of the Filipino Martial Arts and have great admiration for the barong knife, which is not only a popular blade style within the FMA community, but also makes an excellent bushcraft tool. Cold Steel is thus proud to release this new interpretation of the classic barong and to add it to their selection of modern tactical machetes.

The classically shaped downturned polypropylene handle anchors the blade in the hand and helps to resist centrifugal forces when making hard chopping or slashing strokes.

The beautifully curved leaf-shaped blade is made from 1055 high carbon Steel with a baked-on, matte black finish to aid in rust resistance.

Each barong comes complete with a Cor-Ex™ sheath for ease of carry and convenience of use.

- Blade material: 1055 high carbon steel w/ black baked-on anti-rust matte finish
- Overall length: approx. 62.2 cm
- Blade length: approx. 45.7 cm
- Blade thickness: 2.8 mm
- Handle: approx. 16.5 cm long, polypropylene
- Weight: approx. 680 g
- Incl. Cor-Ex™ sheath
- Cold Steel Product No.: 97BAM18S

Obj. kód : CST-97BAM18S

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