Word of Warcraft - Frostmourne Sword - Latex

Word of Warcraft - Frostmourne Sword - Latex
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Deatil Word of Warcraft - Frostmourne Sword - Latex

Dodání : cca 2 měsíce

Obj. kód : 14994

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The artisans at Windlass worked closely with the creative team at Blizzard Entertainment to bring this amazing piece to life.

Whosoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit. Such was the warning given to all who would seek to wield Frostmourne, the most powerful runeblade in existence. Driven to save his homeland from disaster, Prince Arthas Menethil joined Muradin Bronzebeard in seeking out the legendary runeblade. At the Lich King’s urging, Arthas used Frostmourne to kill his father and shatter the Frozen Throne. Today the new Lich King sits on his icy throne silently plotting his next move, the cursed runeblade ready at his side. Approx. 119 cm in overall length and 71 cm in blade length. A safe and enjoyable collectible for all ages and fans of the world’s most popular online game. NERO approved.

This fully approved and licensed latex LARP weapon has a realistic look and finish and is the finest on the market. A hard rubber handle and real suede wrapping ensures both great balance and a firm grip for complete control. The tough layered foam, high quality latex and the specially developed paint we utilize has been researched for long lasting play and a non-cracking finish. Police-grade Kevlar, used in our sword tips, guarantees a non-tearing thrust. Though the fiber cores of this weapon is lightweight, it commands the strength to withstand excessive pounds of stress. All of the chemicals and compounds used in this sword have been proven OSHA safe.

Please Note: This is not a metal weapon; it is a quality latex weapon for LARP and other forms of action play.

Overall length: approx. 119 cm
Blade length: approx. 71 cm
Weight: approx. 680 g
Expected Ship Date: Dec 2009

Obj. kód : 14994

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