Ultima II silver plain smaller size

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Ultima II silver plain smaller size
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Deatil Ultima II silver plain smaller size

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80616

Na této stránce najdete :

Today’s tactical fixed blade knives still resemble the first Bronze Age daggers of 4000 years ago, especially in their handle design. Michael Martinez, sculptor, inventor, and martial artist, didn’t start out to redesign the fixed blade, but he explains, “In my edged weapons training, I kept noticing how many knives didn’t feel right, didn’t have a grip that gave both control and comfort in the four fundamental tactical grips.” Michael’s design firm, Group Design, Inc., reached out to a team of medical specialists for the answer. Their Ultima™ achieves 22 out of 23 ideal contact points with its unique patent-pending handle.

The injection-molded black Zytel® scales feature over 70 triangular grip segments, separated by sipes, or “ooze grooves” which channel away water, mud and oil. Horizontal grooves are placed under the fingertips for optimum feel.

Because tactical knives are inevitably used as pry bars, Michael’s team created a butt pry tip as an extension of the blade tang, with a rounded tip.

The Ultima is available with a 17.1 cm or 12.5 cm full-tang blade of 1.4116 stainless steel with a light bead-blast finish. It is available with Razor-Sharp or Combination Razor-Sharp and Veff™ Serrated edges. The 2125KV features a black titanium nitride blade coating.

Serrated models feature our patented* Veff™ Serrated edges. Developed by Oregon City, Oregon, knife designer Tom Veff, these serrations are wide and angled at 60 degrees to the edge. The resulting cutting points bite instantly and dig deep upon contact, slicing smoothly and effortlessly. They give dramatically improved cutting ability on rope, webbing, strapping, hoses and leather.

An injection-molded black polypropylene Ultima Trainer is also available.

Tactical Sheath. The Ultima’s custom black Cordura®/Zytel® sheath has an injection-molded liner. Dual belt loops are Velcro® adjustable. For maximum versatility, there are ample grommets with a length of 550 paracord included, an adjustable leg strap, plus a slotted sheath back that can mount on MOLLE gear. Removable security handle straps with snaps give access and security. A utility pocket with a Fastex™ buckle will carry a variety of folding knives, multipurpose tools or sharpeners.

After 4,000 years of scientific progress, the only thing the Ultima shares with its bronze ancestors is its role in the mission.


Blade: Length: 12.5 cm

Thickness: 4.5 mm

Steel: 1.4116, 55-57 HRC

Knife: Overall length: 24.5 cm

Weight: 238 g

Sheath (included with knife)

Material: Cordura/Zytel

Overall length: 33.0 cm

Width: 7.3 cm

Weight: 162 g

Obj. kód : S80616

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