Throwing Knife with Damascus steel blade

Throwing Knife with Damascus steel blade
Cena s DPH

Deatil Throwing Knife with Damascus steel blade

Dodání : cca 2 měsíce

Obj. kód : 0301024360

Na této stránce najdete :

Damascus Steel Knife, hand-forged

Handgeschmiedetes Messer, bzw. Messerrohling aus 512 Lagen Damaszenerstahl. Die Klinge ist ungeschärft. Diese Messerklinge kann sowohl als Wurfmesser verwendet werden oder, mit einem eigenen Griff versehen, wird dieser Rohling zu einem unverwechselbaren Unikat und zu einem praktischen, authentischen Gebrauchsmesser.

The terms Damascus steel or pattern welded designate a compound steel forged out of two or more different types of steel. It is named after its birthplace, the Syrian city of Damascus, a former stronghold of the patterned steel production.
As a common practice, a harder high carbon steel and a milder low carbon steel are repeatedly forge welded and folded together. The high carbon steel ensures a higher hardness, a better temperability and longer lasting edge retention, whereas the milder steel confers greater blade flexibility and tensile strength. This procedure, which arose in a time where steel qualities were often low and inconsistent, enables to combine the positive attributes of the various steel grades.
Besides, the different shadings generated by the varying carbon content of the alternating layers engender strikingly beautiful patterns, such as the twisted motif called Torsion Damascus pattern or the Rose Damascus pattern. Undoubtedly, these unusual patterns partly explain why inherent magical properties were attributed to the Damascus steel blades of the Middle Ages. Such a damascene sword blade is for example depicted as a bloody worm or a poisonous snake in the Edda.

Hand-forged from 512 layers damascus steel.

Length overall: approx. 28 cm
Blade length: approx. 17 cm
Shipping weight: 0.15 kg

Obj. kód : 0301024360

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