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The Hobbit - Regal Sword of Thorin Oakenshield

The Hobbit - Regal Sword of Thorin Oakenshield
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Deatil The Hobbit - Regal Sword of Thorin Oakenshield

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : UC3106

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The Hobbit - Regal Sword of Thorin Oakenshield
Officially licensed movie replica from The Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies, United Cutlery.

United Cutlery offers meticulously crafted officially licensed prop replicas of a variety of weapons from The Hobbit. New to this series are reproduction props from The Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies, the third film in the trilogy. Each collectible is precisely replicated from the actual film props created by the world-renowned Weta Workshop. Close attention to detail was a top priority and no effort was spared to make these replicas as accurate and visually stunning as possible.

This regal sword is a polyresin prop replica of the iconic Dwarven sword wielded by king Thror in The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey, now inherited by his grandson Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies.

The design of this richly detailed prop represents the regality of the Dwarven kingdom of Erebor, featuring an ornately sculpted raven hilt with gold accents and a gold inlaid blade.
Crafting this massively thick sword blade in real steel was not possible outside of Middle-Earth, so United Cutlery has exactly replicated the urethane and aluminum filming prop in polyresin with screen-accurate detailing, hand-painted colors, and weathering effects.

The sword comes with a 3-dimensional polystone wall display sculpted to match the styling of Thorin's regal war shield.

Each piece is individually serial numbered and includes a certificate of authenticity.

- Material: polyresin
- Overall length: approx. 94 cm
- Incl. 3-D polystone wall mount and certificate of authenticity
- Manufacturer's product no.: UC3106

Obj. kód : UC3106

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