TInker Longsword - Blunt

Overall length: 47 1/4"
Blade length: 35 1/4"
Handle length: 12"
Weight: 2lb 14oz
Point of Balance: 3 1/2"
Point of Percussion: 21 3/4"
Width at Guard: 2 1/4"
Width at Tip: 11/16"
Thickness at Guard: .25"
Thickness at Tip: .07"
TInker Longsword - Blunt
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Deatil TInker Longsword - Blunt

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Obj. kód : SH2395

Na této stránce najdete :

The Blunt Trainer longsword features nearly identical handling of its sharp companion, but features blunted edges and a rounded tip for safe sparring practice.

Tinker Pearce has developed these matching longswords to satisfy the need of every Western Martial Arts practitioner and sword enthusiast, to have a matching set of sharp and blunt swords for cutting and safe training practice. The swords meet Tinker`s exacting quality requirements and are built in much the same way as his custom pieces. Each blade is forged from 5160 Spring Steel, Marquenched to the desired hardness of 50-53 Hrc while the tang is drawn back to the low 30s Hrc. Teh very end of the tang is threaded to fit an allen nut recessed into the pommel which allows for dimantling of the hilt assembly for inspection or to exchange blades if needed.

What others are saying about the Tinker Pearce Longswords:

"I had the opportunity to handle the prototype Tinker Pearce Line Longswords by CAS/Hanwei, and they are beautiful, well-balanced, quick-handling swords at an excellent price. The sharp and blunt versions handle almost identically in cuts, thrusts, and quick posta (guard) transitions. These promise to be the mid-priced training weapon of choice for longsword studies."

Sean Hayes, Maestro d`armi, Northwest Fencing Academy and University of Oregon

Made by Hanwei.

Obj. kód : SH2395

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