Sukishi set 1

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Sukishi set 1
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Deatil Sukishi set 1

Dodání cca měsíc

Obj. kód : WKC-SUKISET01

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Wonderful folded steel, hand-forged KATANA : The Sukinokishi set is an historical version from the Edo Period. The Set includes the Katana, Wakizashi and Tanto.

* Sugata (Blade style):
o Katana blade: Hand-forged curved blade with a Bohi (groove) and Chu-Kissaki (tip). Folded steel (C45 & C55Si7- USA: Steel 1095). 13 times folded to achieve ca. 8192 layers. Traditional clay-wrapping technique for differential hardening. There are beautiful hada (grain in steel, pattern of folding the steel) in the blade. The hardness of its Mune is ca 43° and the Ha (blade edge) is ca 60° HRC Rockwell. The blade spine is iori-mune, the edge is without Niku. (The blade has got a flat and cutting sharp edge).
o Wakizashi and Tanto blade:Hand-forged curved blade with Bohi (groove) and Chu-Kissaki tip. Spring steel (C55Si7- USA: Steel 1055). The hardness of the Mune and of the Ha (blade edge) is 55° HRC Rockwell. The blade spine is iori-mune, the edge is without Niku. (The blade has got a flat and cutting sharp edge).


* Kashira (Cap):
o Beautifully carved from Edo period. Carbon steel (C45). Steel oxidized, black color.Cliquez pour une photo détaillée
* Tsuka (Grip):
o Wood grip, adapted to the tongue.
* Tsuka-ito (handle wrap):
o Pure silk. Brown Tight.
* Samé:
o Real white ray skin.
* 2 Menuki:
o Brass, hand-polished, gold-plated. Crane shape. One each side, traditional mounting of Menuki.
* Habaki:
o Brass. Made in 1 piece.
* Seppa:
o Copper.
* 2 Mekugi:
o Bamboo wood, based upon the traditional method to seat the pins. The 2 mekugi-ana are drilled diagonal and conical into the tongue. The mekugi are fitted from opposite side.
* Tsuba (Guard):
o Carbon steel (C45), hand-polished. Steel oxidized, black color. Crane theme from Edo period.
* Saya (Scabbard):
o Selected wood. Black lacquered with printings of golden flowers. Curved according to the Sori. The Koi-guchi (mouth piece) is made of buffalo horn. Saya with kurikata and 2 shitodome to hold the Obi.
* Sageo:
o Brown (cord used for tying the Saya to the Obi - knob on the Saya).
* Included Accessories:
o Protective cloth bag with nice colourful embroidery.




Nagasa: 28 inch
Sori: 0,6 inch
Balance point: 9 cm

Nagasa: 20 inch
Sori: 0,6 inch

Nagasa: 10 inch
Sori: 0,6 inch

28 cm

21 cm

15,5 cm

Diameter: 7,6 x 7,2 cm
Thickness: 0,5 cm

Diameter: 6,2 x 6,5 cm
Thickness: 0,5 cm

Diameter: 5,8 x 5,7 cm
Thickness: 0,5 cm

1 100 gr.
without saya

700 gr.
without saya

500 gr.
without saya

Obj. kód : WKC-SUKISET01

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