
Výrobce: CRKT
Cena s DPH

Deatil Sting

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80544

Na této stránce najdete :

Say “A.G. Russell,” and you have to immediately say “first,” because this living legend was one of the inventors of the modern knife industry. But despite all his awards and achievements, A.G. is first of all a knifemaker.

The CRKT production Sting™, complete with a custom Cordura® /Zytel® sheath, is a multipurpose one-piece utility knife that is just about indestructible.

Hot forging is the reason the Sting is so tough. It begins life as an ordinary blank of 1050 carbon steel, similar to the alloy used in traditional Samurai swords, which is first hot forged and then precision ground into final shape. We apply a black non-reflective powder coat finish to resist corrosion.

The spear point blade features two Razor-Sharp cutting edges. The integral handle is contoured to fit the bare or gloved hand nicely and provides heft and balance, with thumb detents for grip. A large lanyard hole is provided, allowing the use of a wrist lanyard, or carry as a neck knife.

Our Cordura® multi-carry sheath with a Zytel® liner allows the Sting to be carried in a variety of positions on trousers, belts or gear.

Like A.G. Russell himself, the Sting is a tough character that has earned its respect.


Blade: Length: 8.1 cm

Thickness: 0.35 cm

Steel: 1050, HRC 54-55

Knife: Overall length: 17.4 cm

Weight: 110 g

Sting Sheath: (included with knife)

Material: Cordura/Zytel

Length: 16.5 cm

Width: 5.4 cm

Weight: 34 g without straps

68 g with straps

Obj. kód : S80544

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