Sokueto Hondachi Katana

Sokueto Hondachi Katana
Cena s DPH

Deatil Sokueto Hondachi Katana

Doba dodání cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : 11422

Na této stránce najdete :

This is a Thaitsuki sword and we believe in quality over quantity. Thaitsuki Nihonto swords are hand-made, fully functional, and "battle ready" katanas. They are best suited for practice in all sword arts, completion cutting, and collecting. The Japanese Katanas, hand-made by Thaitsuki Nihonto, are of the highest quality, traditionally made and perfected for over 400 years. Thaitsuki Nihonto has been producing Japanese swords for professional collectors and practitioners of Iaido, Iaijutsu, and Kenjutsu for over 400 years!

The blade of the Suekuto Hondachi Katana is handmade and forged from special high carbon Japanese steel (DC53) making a strong, flexible blade with naginata-hi (groove). With 2 different HRC grades on the back (40) and on the edge (60) the blade is very strong. The blade is about 7mm wide on the habaki and about 5,5mm on the chu kissaki.

The tsuka (handle) is covered in black same (ray skin) and the Tsuka Ito (handle wrap) is best japanese white 10mm wide silk. The brass tsuba shows a pair of tigers. The koiguchi is made from real buffalo horn and the handmade saya was made from dried poplar wood. The kurigata is made from wood and is covered with 92,5% silver. The habaki and the seppa are also made from 92,5% silver and the habaki shows a sakura motif. At the end of the saya is a kojiri made from real buffalo horn mounted which prevents the saya from breaking when hit hard on the floor, eg when training iaido.

Fuchi and Kashira are detailed in gold and polished. The menuki are made from 92,5% silver and show a dragon.

The Suekuto Hondachi Katana is a fully functional Japanese katana and not a replica, it is considered a weapon and it is extremely sharp. This sword can easily sever a 7" thick bamboo with single stroke. The Suekuto Hondachi Katana can be completely disassembled for full maintenance.

This sword can also be made dull so that you can use it for practice, like in Iaido !

Details :

Blade length: 73.66 cm
Tang length: 25.4 cm
Tsuka length: 27.94 cm
Overall length: 101.6 cm
Balance Point: 12.7 cm

Tsuka Ito: white silk
Weight with Saya: 1520 g
Weight without Saya: 1210 g

Ha (edge) 60-63 HRC
Habuchi (temper line) 43-46 HRC
Ji bis Mune (edge to back of the blade) 33-36 HRC

Obj. kód : 11422

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