Sasuke Uchiha Naruto Anime Katana

Overall Length: 101 cm
Blade: black
Blade Material: Carbon Steel
Handle: White With Black Stripe
Includes Matching Scabbard!
Sasuke Uchiha Naruto Anime Katana
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Deatil Sasuke Uchiha Naruto Anime Katana

Dodání cca měsíc

Obj. kód : 40050

Na této stránce najdete :

Sasuke is one of the top scorers of the ninja apprenticeship school and the top "Genin" (rookie/first-level ninja) of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. He is the sole remaining member of the Uchiha clan, a once powerful ninja clan of the village. He is very dark and serious, and is focused on nothing else but training to become a stronger ninja. All of this is for one ultimate goal: revenge. His life's ambition is to grow powerful enough to kill "a certain man" (his older brother Itachi). As part of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke has higher "chakra" (spirit energy/chi). He also has a technique to blow fireballs from his mouth.

Also, as one of the Uchiha clan, he inherits the clan's Kekkei Genkai (or bloodline trait)--the Sharingan. He begins to unlock it in the fight with Haku (who himself was using a Kekkei Genkai) and it gradually gains strength as he learns to use it to track movements and observe ninjitsu techniques. It helps having a knucklehead like Naruto as a teammate. He doesn't like Naruto at first, but as they and Sakura learn to work as a team, he shows a surprising willingness to protect Naruto. It's the beginning of a pretty complex teammate/rival relationship, as each watches for the other but at the same time wants to become better than the other. When Sasuke fought Naruto, they each use a powerful jutsu. Naruto use Rasengen and Sasuke uses Chidori. Chidori, also known as Raikiri (Lightning blade), is a jutsu taught to him by Kakashi.

*That sword is the one Sasuke carries after he left the Leaf Village to train with Orochimaru, one of the main anatganists of the series. Sasuke seeks to kill his older brother for revenge when Itachi(Sasuke's brother) went insane and murdered the entire Uchiha clan save himself and Sasuke. After two years with Orochimaru, Sasuke killed him when he realized that he had surpassed his master and no longer needed him. After then we see him carrying, but rarely using the sword. Though this is likely due to the fact that we've only seen a little bit of what's happened with Sasuke after he formed a team to help him track down his brother.

Obj. kód : 40050

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