RRZ9 Chainmail shirt Haubergeon, riveted, size L, with minor def

RRZ9 Chainmail shirt Haubergeon, riveted, size L, with minor def
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Deatil RRZ9 Chainmail shirt Haubergeon, riveted, size L, with minor def

Dodání : cca 2 měsíce

Obj. kód : RRZ9-HG-LR

Na této stránce najdete :

RRZ9 Chainmail shirt Haubergeon, riveted, galvanized, with minor defects


A haubergeon (=little Hauberk) is a mid-sleeve chain maille shirt that reaches to the thighs.

The chain mail fabric RRZ
is manufactured from round, galvanized steel rings. Every single ring was riveted by hands with round rivets. It's woven in the woven in the 4-in-1-pattern.
The galvanizing offers - in contrast to plain, natural maille finish - a rather good protection from corrosion. The shine of the fresh zinc will fade after a while and the surface' colour then will be a matte grey.

- Material: galvanized and riveted round steel rings
- chest circumference: approx. 140 cm when fully extended.
Your chest should not exceed 125 cm when wearing your gambeson.
- length from shoulder: approx. 84 cm
- sleeve length from armpit: approx. 30 cm
- interior diameter: approx. 9.0 mm
- wire thickness: approx. 1.5 mm
- weight: approx. 12.4 kg
- Finish: zincked

Item with minor defects:
Due to missing rings we have price-reduced this item from 289.90 Euro to 150 Euro. Single piece!
Shipping weight: 13.00 kg

Obj. kód : RRZ9-HG-LR

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