Mini My Tighe black half-serrated non assistant

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Mini My Tighe black half-serrated non assistant
Cena s DPH

Deatil Mini My Tighe black half-serrated non assistant

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80444

Na této stránce najdete :

We we saw custom knifemaker and Knifemakers’ Guild member Brian Tighe’s custom Tighe Breaker™ folder, we were immediately excited about offering a production version. We asked Brian to design a slightly smaller personal carry model with a 2.875” blade, which he calls the Tiny Tighe Breaker™.

It was a perfect opportunity for us to incorporate all the technology at our disposal in a stunning, functional and affordable statement. For example, the Tiny Tighe Breaker is available with our patented(1) OutBurst™ assisted opening mechanism, which instantly springs the blade fully open after you have opened the blade approximately 30 degrees. To maximize safety, we built in our exclusive patented(2) AutoLAWKS™ automatic safety that actuates when the folder is opened and locked, creating a virtual fixed blade instantly.

For the first time in a production knife, we were able to use cell-phone manufacturing technology to create nylon scales with an extremely durable textured metallic coating.

Finally, our black-on-black model is available with Razor-Sharp or Combination Razor-Sharp and Serrated blade grinds featuring our exclusive patented(3) Veff™ Serrated edges. Developed by Oregon City, Oregon, knife designer Tom Veff, these serrations are wide and angled at 60 degrees to the edge. The resulting cutting points bite instantly and dig deep upon contact, slicing smoothly and effortlessly.

Materials and construction are also first cabin. We use premium AUS 8 stainless steel for the modified Tanto blade. The standard model features a high satin blade finish, while our “K” models receive a non-reflective black titanium nitride coating. Dual stainless steel thumb studs allow fast either-hand opening. And we use our rigid InterFrame build with two stainless steel liners, one locking, and a solid Zytel® back spacer.

The fluted handle, while graceful, is primarily designed for sure grip, with deep dual finger choils and a pronounced pommel. It comes complete with a custom removable stainless steel clothing/gear clip.

So the Tiny Tighe Breaker not only defines the state-of-the-art in folding knives today, it also defines value.


Blade: Length: 7.3 cm

Thickness: 0.3 cm

Steel: AUS 8,56-58 HRC

Overall length closed: Handle length: 9.8 cm

Overall length open: 17.5 cm

Weight: 82 g

Obj. kód : S80444

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