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Glamdring – The Sword of Gandalf the Grey

Overall Length: 120.96 cm
Blade Length: 89.53 cm
Blade Material: AUS-6 Stainless Steel
Handle Material: Cast metal with leather wrapped grip and simulated gemstones
Display: Wood with wood grain finish and silk screen graphic
Glamdring – The Sword of Gandalf the Grey
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Deatil Glamdring – The Sword of Gandalf the Grey

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Obj. kód : S40222

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In the Third Age of Middle-earth, the old and powerful Wizard Gandalf and his Company of Dwarves came upon a troll lair in Rhûdaur. There they found two ancient Elven swords and a knife. The exact history of these blades is not certain, but when the Elf lord Elrond examined them in Rivendell he determined they were well-known and ancient blades used in the Goblin Wars to slay many Orcs in the First Age. The sword named Glamdring was forged by the high Elves of the West, in the hidden city of Gondolin. Glamdring survived, only to be found thousands of years later by Gandalf and his companions.

Glamdring is an exquisite example of the height of Elven swordcraft, and a weapon befitting an Elven king. Gandalf claimed Glamdring for his own and wielded the sword through the Quest for Erebor, using it against the Goblins of the Misty Mountains, and later on the quest to destroy the One Ring. The great sword remained at Gandalf’s side until the end of his days in Middle-earth.

This authentically detailed replica is a reproduction of the actual filming prop built by Weta Workshop of New Zealand and used in the motion picture, THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY. United Cutlery, industry leader in fine movie reproductions, has meticulously recreated the prop using only the finest grade materials and craftsmanship. Close attention to detail was a top priority. The Glamdring sword is 120.96 cm overall, featuring a stainless steel blade, solid metal hilt parts, faux blue jewel inlays, and a genuine leather-wrapped grip. It is presented with a wood wall display and includes a certificate of authenticity.

Obj. kód : S40222

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