Gladius Thrower

Gladius Thrower
Cena s DPH

Deatil Gladius Thrower

Dodání : cca 2 měsíce

Obj. kód : CST-80TGS

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Gladius Thrower

Cold Steel President Lynn C. Thompson has been training and experimenting with throwing knives for over three decades. Although Lynn has trained competition style throwing, his personal interests have always been grounded in combative application.
As a martial artist he has always been fascinated by the use of throwing weapons to distract or wound while evading or closing distance. As such, he rarely stands still and throws from a mark. His throwing is often made at speed and while running, dodging or fighting. Therefore, he has long been interested in designing and creating a combative knife that would also serve as an instinctive (and highly effective) throwing knife.

It was with that in mind, that Lynn designed what is called the Gladius Thrower.

Its solid, one-piece tempered steel blade can easily be sharpened and paracord-wrapped to create a very functional knife, but its wide "Roman Point" and superb balance make it an excellent thrower even at extended distances.

Designed to stick with either its sturdy point or tapered butt, the Gladius Thrower makes a fun and unusual sport thrower as well as a combative option! Throwing flat and hitting hard with a satisfying thunk, it is sure to be an unusual and much talked about addition to any throwers collection.

- Material: S50C steel
- Overall length: approx. 35.6 cm
- Blade length: approx. 21 cm
- Blade thickness: approx. 5 mm
- Handle length: approx. 14.6 cm
- Weight: approx. 303 g
- Cold Steel Product No.: 80TGS

A set of 3 Gladius Throwers with Tri-Sheath is also available for purchase, Product No. CST-80TG3S.
Shipping weight: 0.70 kg

Obj. kód : CST-80TGS

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