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Gladius Machete with Sheath

Gladius Machete with Sheath
Cena s DPH

Deatil Gladius Machete with Sheath

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : CST-97GMSZ

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Gladius Machete

Derived from the sword used by Celtic tribes of ancient Iberia (Spain) and adopted by the Roman Legions, the Gladius, with its long, narrow point and wasp-waisted blade, was the scourge of the battlefield and often the last thing seen or felt by Rome's enemies.

Ever popular, the Gladius is still in demand almost 2000 years later and is one of the most frequently requested swords to make. So Cold Steel decided to offer a modern version of this ancient classic in a very affordable machete/sword format.

Made from 1055 high carbon steel and hand-sharpened to a murderous point and battle ready edge, it offers unprecedented piercing and slashing power at a bargain price.

Sporting an extra wide, full tang for strength and a classically inspired handle, it offers the standard guard and ball shaped pommel of years gone by. Made of high impact polypropylene, it is impervious to the elements, rugged beyond belief and most importantly, comes complete with a sturdy Cor-Ex™ sheath and belt loop.

- Blade material: 1055 high carbon steel w/ black baked-on anti-rust matte finish
- Overall length: approx. 65.7 cm
- Blade length: approx. 45.7 cm
- Blade thickness: 2.8 mm
- Handle: approx. 20 cm long, polypropylene
- Weight: approx. 771 g
- Incl. Cor-Ex™ sheath
- Cold Steel Product No.: 97GMSZ

Obj. kód : CST-97GMSZ

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