Chugach Range Pro Hunter

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Chugach Range Pro Hunter
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Deatil Chugach Range Pro Hunter

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80545

Na této stránce najdete :

After Russ Kommer makes a new knife, he takes it on the next hunting trip he guides and uses it on the skinning of Alaskan moose, caribou and bear. Our fixed blade hunters survived his field test. That’s good enough for us. We’ve named them after Russ’s favorite hunting ranges.

Our Pro Hunters are premium classic hunters with stacked leather handles and full-tang premium 440A stainless steel blades. We add a stainless steel bolster, oversize rings of leather and a stainless butt cap, swedged in place by a stainless steel tube rivet. Finally, the entire handle is hand-finished to achieve the perfect contour. The high hollow ground blade, bolster and butt cap are given a high satin finish, which makes cleaning easier and fights corrosion. Their full-fitted sheaths of 255 grams shoulder leather feature a classic basketweave pattern.

The Chugach Range is the perfect Alaska utility knife, with a simple tear drop handle and modified drop point. Useful for both skinning and caping chores. If we can only take one knife, this is our choice.

They’re all Alaskan classics. And in case you can’t get to Alaska on your next hunting trip, Russ says they work just as well in Montana and Tanzania.


Blade: Length: 9.5 cm

Thickness: 0.40 cm

Steel: 440A, 55-57 HRC

Knife: Overall length: 20.0 cm

Weight: 142 g

Pro Hunter Sheath: (included with knife)

Material: 255 g Shoulder Leather

Overall length: 19.1 cm

Width: 5.10 cm

Weight: 51 g

Obj. kód : S80545

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