Assassin´s Creed - Assassin Fighting Knife and Belt

Assassin´s Creed - Assassin Fighting Knife and Belt
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Deatil Assassin´s Creed - Assassin Fighting Knife and Belt

Dodací doba cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : 14805

Na této stránce najdete :

The story of Assassin´s Creed:

The Third Crusade has arrived and is splitting the country. In the game Assassin´s Creed one plays Altaïr, an elite assassin who gets the order to cease or at least weaken the hostilities between both powers. To achieve this both crusaders and Saracens have to be weakened.

1000 years ago a steep rock in the Persian Highlands was the base of operations of a powerful organisation. Its founder: Hasan-i Sabbah. A freedom fighter with visions. The assassins are considered to be the first, tightly organised terror group in world history. Since the Middle Ages legends and horror stories have been shaping the image of this feared organisation which Europeans have kept until today.

This knife has a sweeping design with a sleek positive grip and a decorative, high carbon steel blade. Full chest assembly (suede and metal) for covert carrying.

Total length: 22"
Blade length: 15 1/4"
Blade width: 1 1/8"
Blade thickness: 3/16"
Weight: 1 lb. 12 oz.

Obj. kód : 14805

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