47 Ronin - Asano Clan Sword

47 Ronin - Asano Clan Sword
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Deatil 47 Ronin - Asano Clan Sword

Dodání cca měsíc

Obj. kód : 40413

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Keanu Reeves makes an explosive return to action-adventure in 47 Ronin. After a treacherous warlord kills their master and banishes their kind, 47 leaderless samurai vow to seek vengeance and restore honor to their people. Driven from their homes and dispersed across the land, this band of Ronin must seek the help of Kai (Reeves)-a half-breed they once rejected-as they fight their way across a savage world of mythic beasts, shape-shifting witchcraft and wondrous terrors.

As this exiled, enslaved outcast becomes their most deadly weapon, he will transform into the hero who inspires this band of outnumbered rebels to seize eternity.

47 Ronin is an upcoming 2013 American fantasy action film depicting a fictional account of the forty-seven ronin, a real-life group of samurai in 18th-century Japan who avenge the murder of their master (stories, plays and other dramatic performances of the 47 Ronin story are commonly referred to as Chushingura in Japan). Being produced by Universal Studios, the film is directed by Carl Erik Rinsch and stars Keanu Reeves, Rinko Kikuchi, Tadanobu Asano, Hiroyuki Sanada and an ensemble of other Japanese actors.

Overall Length: approx. 108 cm
Blade Length: approx. 71 cm
Blade Thickness: approx. 7.5 mm
Handle Length: approx. 30.5 cm
Blade Material: 1045 Low carbon steel
Handle Material: Real white ray skin
Extra: Tsuba with zinc alloy and black cotton sword bag

Obj. kód : 40413

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