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The Hobbit - Scabbard for Orcrist (Sword of Thorin Oakenshield)

By United Cutlery.
The Hobbit - Scabbard for Orcrist (Sword of Thorin Oakenshield)
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Deatil The Hobbit - Scabbard for Orcrist (Sword of Thorin Oakenshield)

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : UC2964

Na této stránce najdete :

Scabbard for Orcrist, the Sword of Thorin Oakenshield

In the Third Age of Middle-Earth, Thorin Oakenshield and his Company of Dwarves came upon a troll lair in Rhûdaur. There Thoring found an ancient Elven sword and matching scabbard. The exact history of this sword is not certain, but when Elrond examined it in Rivendell, he determined it was an ancient blade used in the Goblin Wars to slay many Orcs in the First Age. Upon hearing the history of this legendary blade, Thorin claimed it for himself and vowed to cleave Goblins with it once again.

This authentically detailed scabbard collectible is a reproduction of the actual filming prop. The Orcrist Scabbard is crafted in polyresin with a metal and wood grain patterned finish, Elven vine and leaf motifs, a built-in belt loop and felt-lined interior. Close attention to detail was a top priority, right down to the engraved runic inscriptions.
Includes a certificate of authenticity.

- Material: polyresin
- Overall length: approx. 76.2 cm
- Delivered with a certificate of authenticity
- United Cutlery Product No.: UC2964
- Orcrist sword sold separately (Product No. UC2928)

Shipping weight: 2.00 kg

Obj. kód : UC2964

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