My Tighe Schwarz teilweise Sägeklinge non assistant

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My Tighe Schwarz teilweise Sägeklinge non assistant
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Deatil My Tighe Schwarz teilweise Sägeklinge non assistant

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80450

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Canadian knifemaker Brian Tighe is a true Renaissance Man, with an array of professional skills including tool and die making, metallurgy, engraving and photography. In his St. Catharines, Ontario, workshop, he produces a wide array of custom folders, all with those signature touches that immediately make them stand out as Brian Tighe knives.

We have carefully translated Brian’s popular My Tighe custom frame-lock folder into an affordable production line, with four models in bead-blast finish and two in black. At first glance, the knife seems like a design exercise until you grasp it and understand that the concave cut scales are craftily shaped to enhance grip, aggressive with contours in just the right places.

Brian’s blade design is unique too, with its asymmetrical spine facets, high-hollow grind and deep belly with recurve. We use 1.4116 stainless steel in a high satin finish and offer both Razor-Sharp and our exclusive patented(1) Combination Razor-Sharp and Veff™ Serrated edges. Designed by knifemaker Tom Veff, these unique scalloped and angled serrations cut through rope and cord smoothly without snagging. On our “K” models, the blade is coated with black non-reflective titanium nitride for maximum corrosion resistance.

The frame-lock folder has an open build with heavy-duty 420J2 stainless steel frames and a 6061 T6 aluminum back spacer. Frames are bead-blast on the bright models, and black EDP plated on the “K” models. The injection-molded black Zytel® scales have a carbon fibre texture. Torx® fasteners are used throughout.

Each model is available in conventional non-assisted opening models, or with our patented(2) OutBurst™ assisted opening mechanism, which instantly springs the blade fully open after you have opened the blade approximately 30 degrees. All have bronze and Teflon® bearings at the adjustable blade pivot for fast action.

Dual ramped thumb studs allow the My Tighe to be quickly opened with either hand.

All models feature a removable black Teflon-plated pocket/gear clip.

It’s hard to ignore any Brian Tighe design, especially these highly personal work knives. Carry one and you will certainly start a conversation among knife fanciers everywhere. The knife industry was so impressed at the Blade Show in Atlanta, Georgia, it was named the 2006 Imported Knife of the Year.


Blade: Length: 9.2 cm

Thickness: 0.31 cm

Steel: 1.4116, 55-57 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 11.4 cm

Open: Overall length: 20.6 cm

Weight: 159 g

Obj. kód : S80450

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