Fulcrum silver plain

Výrobce: CRKT
Fulcrum silver plain
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Deatil Fulcrum silver plain

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80494

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Just when we thought we had seen every way possible to open a folding knife, a prototype arrived from knifemaker and inventor Charles Kain of Indianapolis, Indiana, that demonstrated his new Fulcrum™ Action (patent pending). It didn’t take us long to purchase the rights to this surprising new lock for use in CRKT production folders.

We felt the Fulcrum Action was perfect for a sleek design proposed by knifemaker Russ Kommer, and so we put Russ to work integrating it into his folder, which we call the Fulcrum™. We also worked closely with our manufacturing experts to develop a production lock with smooth action and tight, wiggle-free lockup.

So here it is, one of the slickest-operating lightweight personal folders we have ever seen, and that includes custom knives, too.

To open the Fulcrum, simply press the left side of the frame down with your thumb. The blade swings out to the 90-degree position. Then pull the left side of the frame back, gripping with your index finger at the choil, and the blade continues to rotate open and lock in the open position. After a few openings, you can do it naturally in one continuous, fluid action, or “fulcrumation.”

To close the Fulcrum, simply release the stainless steel locking liner. One-hand closing is also fast and easy.

The build uses our high-carbon steel InterFrame with a steel pivot at the back spacer. Scales are injection molded of tough CPL composite, and the swirls on each one are unique. The stainless steel bolsters have a diamond pattern.

The 7.0 cm blade is a modified drop point style with a high hollow grind, made from premium AUS 8 stainless steel.

We’re offering two models. For traditionalists, the base model 7403 features a satin blade finish, vibratory frame finish, and gray/black swirled scales. For the more adventurous, the deluxe model 7404 boasts a black titanium nitride blade finish, deep blue titanium nitride frame, and wild blue/black swirled scales.
Both models come with a removable stainless steel pocket/gear clip.

Archimedes once said if given a lever long enough, he could move the earth. We don’t know if our new Fulcrum will cause the earth to move, but if it just sends a little tremor through the world of knife enthusiasts, we’ll be happy.

The Fulcum was awarded a prestigious IWA International Knife Award at the 2008 International Trade Fair for Hunting and Sporting Arms, Outdoor Articles and Accessories, held March 14-17 in Nuremberg, Germany. The judges stated, “The jury presented the Special Innovation Award to the Kommer Fulcrum™ Model 7404, whose totally new mechanism is not even revealed to the expert at first glance. This knife is opened unexpectedly by sliding the handle grips, a concealed opening mechanism that earned enthusiastic praise from the jury.”

It was also voted the Imported Knife of the Year at the 2008 Blade Show in Atlanta.


Blade: Length: 7.0 cm

Thickness: 0.25 cm

Steel: AUS 8, 58-59 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 10.0 cm

Open: Overall length: 16.8 cm

Weight: 77 g

Obj. kód : S80494

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